Posted inLifestyle

The magic of urban wildlife

There’s something magical about wild things in the midst of the concrete jungle. A couple of years ago, at a party at a house in Parktown North, somebody spotted something interesting up a tree. A torch was fetched and there, in the beam of light, was a genet. It seemed utterly unconcerned by the gawking […]

Posted inGeneral

A slice for everyone?

Throughout this land and much of the sub-continent, ordinary people are hoping to cash in on the world’s biggest single-code sporting event. But four years after South Africa was granted the rights to host the 2010 World Cup, it is still unclear how a tournament that promises to generate billions of rands will help the […]

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Preparing to be awe-inspired at the Olympics

If watching the Olympics means enjoying events that blow you away because of the sheer athleticism, immense control, strength and amazing agility exhibited by the participants, then don’t miss the synchronised swimming, particularly the team competition. I’ve heard the arguments that synchro shouldn’t be at the Olympics because it isn’t a true “sport”. I counter […]

Posted inLifestyle

A taste of practical philosophy

I know what you’re thinking: Philosophy? It’s for aged, bearded gentlemen sitting around with nothing else to do but postulate on man’s quest for meaning. That may be so. Practical philosophy, on the other hand, is a little more, well, practical. For the past couple of Wednesdays I’ve been going to an intro course here […]

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Open letter to Sanzar: Deal or no deal

Gentlemen: Over the past 48 hours there have been a number of reports emanating from New Zealand and Australia concerning a hybrid tournament of the Super 14. Interesting proposals, but it clearly reveals the market is ready for change and that the Sanzar announcement last month of the expansion of the Super 14 finals to […]