Posted inNews/Politics

The nonsensical boycott of the SADC meeting by Botswana

When Robert Mugabe and his henchmen were terrorising ordinary Zimbabweans and the opposition in a desperate quest to subvert the democratic process and further strengthen his stranglehold on power, it made perfect sense that there were growing outcries to isolate him. Any continuing attempts to antagonise Mugabe are nonsensical and counterproductive because President Mbeki has […]

Posted inLifestyle

Why I’m a vegetarian

I don’t believe that animals should not be killed for human consumption. In fact, I think that God has most definitely provided certain animals for man — some to assist us in our daily tasks and others to provide us with the nutrients and proteins (isn’t that what meat supplies?!) that eating meat provides. But […]

Posted inGeneral

Let’s talk IS Labs

This week on Let’s Talk Jeff Fletcher from IS joins me to talk about IS Labs, Facebook fears and more. What exactly do you do Jeff? I work for Internet Solutions, helping them build new products and services and in exchange they let me work on IS labs. I also manage the growth of two […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Compensation of sharks

The Road Accident Fund (RAF) was set up to compensate victims of road accidents. Due to the fact that few people knew the legal system, it was thought best to include in its legislation provisions for legal representation. But, as time went by, many people were ripped off by the very same people they hired […]

Posted inGeneral

Why have a parliamentary sports portfolio committee?

What is the purpose of the parliamentary sports portfolio committee of Butana Komphela and company? What does it achieve — other than controversy from statements that regularly stir up a furore, normally with a racist flavour? It never refers to anything meritorious about what is being done. The committee’s statements seem intended to remind us […]