Posted inGeneral

What did you ignore today, daddy?

“Govt was warned about power” — the lead headline on News24 trumpeted this morning. Apparently some municipal boffin warned last century that darkness was on the way and would hit by 2007. The news in that is when the warning was made. The content is nothing new. Perhaps the warning should have been expanded to […]

Posted inGeneral

Stealing chickens

Professor Steven Friedman, sir, I write in response to your blog entitled “Eskom, Zuma and some people’s nightmares“. As a white South African, I am greatly disturbed by you (a professor) casually calling disgruntled white South Africans “racists”. Please allow me a little story to illustrate part of my point: I once met a lovely […]

Posted inLifestyle

Security is comfort …

I have left behind me the security found in the comfort of friendships. When I reached Khartoum International Airport earlier this week, my friends Abdalla, Asma and Huda were waiting for me. They had been there at least an hour already. I had waited for two other friends, Muddather and Imam, to pick me up […]