Posted inGeneral

The end of a long relationship …

I’ve loved Firefox since the day I installed it. I was an early member of and have been evangelising it prior to version 1. I even had my name in the New York Times as part of an advert for Firefox 1.0. Sadly, almost four years later I’ve just switched. It was a tough […]

Posted inGeneral

Could it be …

In a strictly hierarchical culture, the name of the game is follow the leader. Irrespective of how he/she/it became the leader, by fair means or foul, hierarchies are premised on the unshakeable belief and unquestioning acceptance that “the leader” embodies the best of that culture or society. Baboon troops, whether the vast hairy hordes of […]

Posted inGeneral

Where have all the ‘good’ people gone?

It is not always easy to stand up and fight against injustice, oppression, corruption and plain stupidity — especially if those guilty of perpetrating the injustice, oppression, corruption and stupidity are one’s friends, one’s colleagues, one’s family, one’s comrades. This is why the vast majority of white South Africans who would describe themselves as “good” […]

Posted inLifestyle

Shock and awe

Henry Rollins impressed me so much more than I ever thought he would, and my expectations were pretty damn high. I knew he was clever. I knew he had interesting stories to tell. (Who wouldn’t, knowing the people he knows and having been where he has?). I knew he was funny. What I didn’t expect […]

Posted inLifestyle

We reward bad behaviour

Listening to the UK’s Classic FM today, a dramatic and thundering rendition of Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto by the Berlin Philharmonic under the baton of Herbert von Karajan and pianist Yevgeny Kissin gave me goose bumps. It also reminded me of a recent article on Von Karajan in the newspaper. Celebrations of Von Karajan’s 100th birth-year […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Pandor(a)’s pledge

The current reaction to Naledi Pandor’s youth pledge is another in a long line of negativity that seems to be infesting the white population at present. There seems to be this constant knee-jerk reaction of intense negativity that should not continue unchecked. Rational thought has to prevail in the face of seemingly mindless Pavlovian response. […]