Posted inBusinessTech

GAAP is so Web 0.0

I’m continually surprised at how much interest exists for the quarterly financial results of the online tech powerhouses such as Google, Microsoft and Yahoo!, as if they’re any indication of value created by the business during those three months. It’s fairly clear to me that AOL and Yahoo! are managing while spending an awful lot […]

Posted inLifestyle

The definition of fun

You think fun is only to be had by kids on merry-go-rounds, teenagers in dark, sweaty clubs and millionaires cruising the Caribbean in extremely long yachts? Think again! In the interests of scientific research (that just so happens to have no science attached) I spent the weekend uncovering the essential ingredients to fun. There are […]

Posted inGeneral

(Mis)understanding ubuntu: A reply

The concept of ubuntu has been bandied about quite freely and mostly carelessly by writers who associate the term with the language in which it often appears. Ubuntu is bigger, broader and deeper than its Nguni “appearance”. I do not recall ever reading or hearing anyone say that ubuntu means that black people are morally, […]

Posted inBusiness

Coega and the Radiohead song

Every time I drive through the upgraded stretch of road around the turn-off to the Coega Industrial Development Zone (IDZ), just before Port Elizabeth, a song floats unbidden into my head. The Coega IDZ is a multibillion-rand industrial development complex covering 11 000ha, centred on a new deepwater port. Nude is the haunting song, from Radiohead’s […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Israel and a nuclear Middle East

As changes in the overall political setting of the Middle East have occurred it is important to focus on Israel’s nuclear strategy as the former possibilities of the superpowers to control and fence in the conflicts in the Middle East have given way to new power structures. A significant asymmetry has developed with respect to […]

Posted inSport

The brothers grim: Enter the Stofiles

On the night of the 27th of December 1944, squadrons of Allied B24 bombers pounded Hamburg into dust — which coincidentaly also happens to be the date that Makhenkesi Arnold Stofile, South Africa’s Minister of Sport and Recreation, was born. Left unchecked he and his brother Mike could well do to rugby and soccer what […]