Posted inBusiness

Power pain

Pay more for less service — this was pretty much the message from Eskom this week. Now, I know, before you start jumping up and down, that price escalation is critical to ensure capital availability to construct generation capacity and infrastructure, which may deliver power in 10 years’ time at approximately the same levels of […]

Posted inGeneral

Art and science; images and concepts

Some of the responses to my previous posting suggested that the relation between images and concepts, as explained by Leonard Shlain in his book on the link between alphabet literacy and patriarchy (The Alphabet versus the Goddess), requires clarification. What better way to do that than by referring to his earlier book, Art and Physics: […]

Posted inGeneral

Honey, I’m home!

Isn’t Cape Town the most beautiful graveyard you’ve ever seen? Okay, that’s maybe too cynical. But let’s get real about a few things. Cape Town is not the most beautiful place in the world. It doesn’t have the best beaches and neither does it have the greatest value for money. I say this not to […]

Posted inLifestyle

Say yay for long weekends!

Have you noticed that most people are rather grumpy this week? I think it’s the knowledge that there’s an impending four days of freedom, but before we get there we have to climb through a mountain of work, more than usual because of said freedom. Also, naturally, because everyone’s wondering if the Easter Bunny will […]

Posted inLifestyle

A special day

This Friday, March 21, is special not only because it is both Human Rights Day and Good Friday, but also because it has significance in a range of different religions. Human Rights Day is the day on which South Africans celebrate the Bill of Rights contained in the Constitution. Initially March 21 was known as […]

Posted inBusinessSport

The Silicon Valley of sun

In May 1961, President Kennedy addressed a special session of the US Congress. It was the height of the Cold War. There was a sense in the land that the US was falling behind and needed to pick up its game. Kennedy announced a number of initiatives, mostly now forgotten. The last, however, has proved […]