Posted inGeneral

The deep roots of Aids denialism

For those of us who form part of the chattering classes and have never set foot in a rural village — except perhaps to take tourist pictures — South Africa can be a very confusing and perplexing place. I have wondered for a long time, for example, why so few poor and black South Africans […]

Posted inGeneral

Christianity owes us

I am often accused of fighting a battle that’s already been conceded with organised religion. In fact, this is the criticism levelled at many anti-religious thinkers: basically, that we’re beating a dead horse. Religion has moved on from its horrible past. In its current form, it’s something altogether more complex and intricate. So why spend […]

Posted inMedia

Pilger’s contrasts make him credible

Pic: Pilger with Guy Berger Crusading journo John Pilger confronted some contradictions last week — and came out well on top of them. In Grahamstown to collect an honorary doctorate from Rhodes University, the angry Australian who champions the cause of the global underdog found himself to be quite the celeb. It’s an irony that […]

Posted inLifestyleMediaTech

And the winner is …

… East Coast Radio! No, not entirely. But they did sweep a good three or four categories (including best new blog, the one for which I was nominated! Sob!) and I’m guessing there’s going to be a backlash of bitter blog posts this morning. It’s not 100% fair, I suppose, when you can ask all […]