Posted inLifestyle

Why do white people emigrate?

I think that there is a false perception among certain white people who believe that they are somehow under siege; that crime only affects them. Blacks are more heavily affected by violent crime. And so this begs the question: Why do white people emigrate and blacks don’t? (This is a YouTube video.)

Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

What makes a person great?

Robert Mugabe won’t leave office. Thabo Mbeki made a bid for a third term and will leave a country ravaged by inflation, high unemployment, ineptness at high levels in government and business, and erratic electricity supplies. The Economist last week said, in the angriest editorial I can ever recall from that journal: “Can Thabo Mbeki, […]

Posted inLifestyle

Going nowhere slowly

“So is the flight on time?” I ask. “Yes,” she replies, lying through her teeth. “Are you sure there are no delays today?” “Not as far as I know,” she smiles, maintaining her chirpy disposition. She hands me my boarding pass knowing full well that once I pass security, there is no way I can […]

Posted inGeneral

Brains think, skin doesn’t

The race card: Frequently used among South Africans from all backgrounds to express their disapproval in an argument, debate or discussion with a person from another race. The race-card is usually flashed in case of significant or arbitrary differences of opinion between one or more individuals. The object exists in various shapes, sizes and, of […]