Posted inGeneral

Deliver us from the political rally

So I am supposed to feel guilty and unpatriotic that on April 27 –- Freedom Day -– I went to play golf. Maybe I should feel even more guilty that I played well in spite of my killer hangover from the binge at the tombstone unveiling the previous day. Clearly my guilt was not strong […]

Posted inGeneral

More thoughts on the importance of universities

In my last posting I ended by talking of the beneficial ‘enlightenment’ effects of a certain approach to scientific disciplines. There I used the term ‘enlightenment’ advisedly, and what I had in mind is its historico–philosophical meaning, especially in light of the so–called postmodern temperament of the present era. As everyone should know, the historical […]

Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

Stuff the poor

I was reading the Sunday Times last week and noticed an article about a gathering in Zambia by some of South Africa’s top CEOs. They met for part of the time they were there, but they also partied quite hard, from all accounts. What was the point of this article, I thought? And why did […]

Posted inBusiness

Skills revolution will suffer without Mantashe

The news that Gwede Mantashe will no longer head the government’s Jipsa programme is bad news for the skills revolution. In early 2006 the Deputy President launched, Asgisa – the government’s drive for higher economic growth. The skills shortage was seen as the biggest impediment (or binding constraint) to reaching the target of 6% annual […]

Posted inGeneral

Ronnie Morris was a hero

On the 8th July 1991, as a 21-year-old intern at the Cape Times, I found myself, like most interns, in a strange place: a real newsroom, among strangers in a foreign town, Cape Town, far from my home in Johannesburg. It didn’t help that it had rained heavily that winter morning and in my walk […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Is anybody advising our president?

I don’t pretend to know anything about politics. In fact, I generally avoid it like the plague, leaving it to those who are passionate about it to comment on the folly of politicians. But I can’t help wondering what on earth is going on in Thabo Mbeki’s head. Perhaps someone can explain his point of […]

Posted inSport

Rewriting the record books

Not even the passage of 27 years and two World Cup victories have been enough to exorcise the horror of that moment. 16-3 down at half-time in the deciding Test of the 1981 New Zealand tour, the Boks had miraculously fought back to level the scores at 22-all, with only injury-time left. But referee Clive […]

Posted inGeneral

The free-will delusion?

Imagine that you are in your favourite room at home. My personal favourite room in the house is my bedroom. I love my bedroom because; simply by being in there, I reduce the statistical probability of running into my three-year old and accidentally ripping out his Adam’s apple by a factor of three. I’m a […]