Posted inGeneral

Tech will eat itself

I’ve been covering IT, and its newer acronym, ICT, for nearly ten years. In that time I’ve had the joy of watching the trends go around, and around. I’ve watched hype become reality, usually in a far longer time period than the vendors would like, and I’ve watched marketing fizz become dot–com failure, or Y2K […]

Posted inGeneral

The future of the web

A few events have got me thinking about the direction of the Web over the next twenty years or so. The first was a conversation I had with Matthew Buckland about whether Facebook, or something like it, would become a type of operating system in the future, and the second was Google’s announcement of OpenSocial […]

Posted inGeneralLifestyle

No time left for anger

It’s often those who are dying that appreciate life most. They get news of a terminal illness and suddenly everything comes into focus, that niggling issue is really not important, that unfulfilled dream becomes a regret, it’s easier to forgive because there is simply no time left for anger. No time left for anger — […]

Posted inGeneral

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

In my profession I have to analyse a lot of websites on a daily basis. And what I just don’t ever get is the fact that there are still so many badly created websites out there? Not necessarily just from design point of view, but functionality too! And it’s not just the latent–old–school–frames–embedded websites, what’s […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Xenophobia? I see a bad moon rising

South Africans have in the past always prided themselves on being gracious hosts to the many tourists and people from around the world who choose this country as their destination for a holiday, or even a place to live. Currently, however, we are witnessing an outbreak of xenophobic attacks on a scale unprecedented in our […]

Posted inGeneral

The end of social networking sites

Google Friend, launched on Monday evening, brings to a close the era of social networking sites, and makes “social” a standard part of using the Web. This trend has been clear for a while: the OpenSocial initiative has effectively allowed you to share your networks of contacts across them. I doubt this was first prize […]

Posted inGeneral

Is it only me, or has economic news stagnated?

Is it only me, or has the media’s leverage of technology allowed its coverage of economic news to stagnate? The technology is now available to plug so many automated feeds into tracking of daily market indicators that the people responsible for economic coverage no longer think about what they are reporting. Usually, a sure sign […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Iran and the masters of war

On 21 April 2008, the American Defence Secretary Robert Gates, told the West Point Military Academy’s cadets that they could expect “years of persistent, engaged combat all around the world” for — note well — “there are no exit strategies”. At the Academy, much is made of their claim that “the history we teach was […]