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Designing and refactoring the logic

Logic: by definition from the web, it means “the principles that guide reasoning within a given field or situation” or in simplest terms a system of reasoning. The principle of programming, i.e in any programming language, is essentially to control the reasoning system of the machine by providing it with conditions and variables. Today I […]

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Identity-management pitfalls

In article one and two I made the case for identity-management (IdM) and how an IdM solution can address the everyday problems experienced in organisations. In this article I’m bringing things back to reality and I’ll be highlighting the aspects that could cause your IdM project to overrun and underdeliver. Firstly, technology is only 20% […]

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The abused becomes the abuser

Immigration is as old as human society itself. It’s in our nature to move forward, whether to seek out better opportunities or to leave behind persecution. After all South Africa has been through, particularly over the last 60 years, one would think that we’d have a little bit more compassion than most for those trying […]

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Marketing 2.0

Let’s start with what we already know… With the advent of the Internet, and even more so with Web 2.0, the world has shrunk: vastly different cultures and people are connected in ways never thought possible. It is no longer strange to have friends, family and acquaintances in Indonesia, Moscow and Peru and interact with […]

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Violence is not a game

There has been an exponential increase in the rate of reported cases of violence in our schools of late and this time the focus is not on the violence brought about by drug dealing gangsters terrorizing our young ones with a promise of something rather ‘ighry to puff on or snort. No, the violence that […]