Posted inNews/Politics

Ubuntu — made in China

On 12 May 2008, at 2.28pm, an earthquake registering 8.0 on the Richter scale hit the Chinese province of Sichuan. The earthquake, believed by scientists to be 30 times as fierce as the one that hit Kobe in Japan in 1995, released the energy of five atomic bombs combined. More than 40 000 people are confirmed […]

Posted inGeneral

English football roundup: Fifa to introduce quotas?

Sepp Blatter’s latest initiative — to introduce a law whereby clubs must field a quota of at least 6 home grown players has received Fifa’s backing at it’s annual congress in Sydney. This one has also been endorsed by UEFA president Michel Platini, which means that despite the uproar from European clubs, this may […]

Posted inGeneral

Is open source winning ?

In general, open source refers to any program whose source code is made available for use or modification as users or other developers see fit.( This is a less-confusing name for what is also called ‘free software’. It describes the development method used for many pieces of software, including the Linux kernel, where the source […]

Posted inGeneral

Amazing Grace Mugabe

I really feel sorry for Mugabe. I mean what is the point of telling your wife something if she’s only going to blab it to the whole world? Yes I know Bob I’ve got the same problem with ‘the government’ (Mrs Traps). You tell them something, swear them to secrecy and they then go and […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Delivered, bound hand and foot

In every province of human life, and in that of reporting truthfully principally so, we have a right to demand a living sympathy of mind with mind. It is clearly not only about getting the highest circulation in the media establishment; the press is charged to inform, to entertain, to enlighten and sometimes to swim […]

Posted inGeneral

Yesterday’s WordPress Cape Town meet was huge

If you don’t know what WordPress is yet, just take a look around at the Tech Leader platform and see WordPress in full swing. Tech Leader runs on the wordpress multi-user platform, one of the topics covered(by Ashley Shaw) at the WordPress event I had the pleasure of planning for last night. Close on 40 […]

Posted inGeneral

Religious authoritarianism and social control

While reading Henry Giroux’s book, Against the New Authoritarianism (2005), I recalled Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale (1985), a riveting narrative of a post-nuclear war regression to a supposedly biblically founded Republic of Gilead in what is now the United States of America. This futuristic dystopia is hierarchically structured and ruthlessly authoritarian, with women and […]

Posted inNews/Politics

“We’re like despised dogs”

Elmy is crying and shaking. She’s a fifty year old Somali woman who lost her children and husband in the civil war that plagued her home country. (For a short overview of the war in Somali watch this Youtube report.) Elmy came to South Africa ten years ago in the hope of forging a new life, but following the xenophobic violence everything she has is gone. Burnt and looted. Like the dream she had for starting over. “I beg President Thabo Mbeki to let me go. This government allowed me to come here. They let me into this country. Now they must please let me go home.”