Posted inNews/Politics

Mrs Traps’s Yom Tov recipe

Mrs Traps cooking carries a hechsher from the International Atomic Energy Agency: Our leftovers require disposal in accordance with the international regulations governing nuclear waste. The IAEA at present has an entire division working on antidotes for anyone who comes into contact with her “Duck Surprise”. “Surprise?” That duck dropped a turd when she shot […]

Posted inGeneral

Thoughts on leading thoughts

The e-mail leered at me. “C’mon – are you man enough?” it seemed to ask. It arrived in my inbox, together with twelve inducements to sign up for websites liberally sprinkled with the words boobs, bouncing, hot, teen and nymph. Also there were the usual suggestions that if I wanted to be a real man […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zimbabwe’s problems are exaggerated?

Southern African leaders, meeting in Zambia, once again failed to deal with the crisis in Zimbabwe. Where strong words and decisive action were desperately needed, Robert Mugabe was treated to a heroes’ welcome, condemnation of everyone but himself and the incredible proposition that the problems being experienced in Zimbabwe were exaggerated. Moreover, the one glimmer […]

Posted inLifestyle

Phenomenal women

Celebration of the fairer sex took place in Newtown this past weekend and boy was there a feast for the ears and eyes! The Newtown Women in Arts was the most prolific with Divas such as Simphiwe Dana, Thandiswa Mazwai, Wendy Oldfield and Zamajobe performing at various venues in and around the cultural precinct. Simphiwe […]

Posted inSport

Of Aussies, booze and handbags

Ah, so those Aussies are at it again. With the Rugby World Cup just around the corner, Matt Dunning and Lote Tuqiri have managed to earn themselves Cup curfews after yet another episode of booze-filled shenanigans. When will they learn?

Posted inTech

Web 3.0: It just had to happen

It just had to happen. Someone had to “define” Web 3.0. And it wasn’t just an ordinary someone. It happened to be Eric Schmidt the CEO of Google. According to Read/WriteWeb, Schmidt “said that while Web 2.0 was based on Ajax, Web 3.0 will be “applications that are pieced together” – with the characteristics that […]

Posted inTech

Google News to accept comments

Ars technica has reported that Google news will be accepting comments from users. This is sure to fire up the already-simmering relationship between the big online publishers and the search engine behemoth. Online publishers have a love and hate relationship with Google. The love part is that Google gives publishers masses of traffic. At Mail […]