Posted inBusiness

Mboweni’s dictum

Reserve Bank Governor Tito Mboweni poured scorn on the labour “left” in a speech at Rhodes University today. He was speaking to the issue of whether the “Washington Consensus” was dead. Though he didn’t say in so many words: from where he sits, it’s not only alive, it ought to be kicking. The concept refers […]

Posted inGeneral

Dear Boet

Dear Boet Well, if it’s a letter from you, it must be September. The same thing, year in, year out. You get miserable, maudlin and generally the moer in with the prospect of another winter in Europe and start pining for South Africa’s sunny summers. Frankly, I don’t know why on earth you don’t just […]

Posted inLifestyle

Swimming upstream

I am not officially part of the mainstream party crowd! This revelation comes after being told that I was the “insider ” on all underground happenings around Jozi. Underground, I suppose, is all that happens in Newtown and downtown Jozi, where your typical (this here is subjective) party people don’t usually find themselves. You know, […]

Posted inLifestyle

Masters of our domain

In the days before mass communication and globalisation and extremely fast air travel turned our world into a shoebox (metaphorically speaking, of course) it was easy enough to be master of your domain. Kill a few wild animals. Perfect the art of the slow-cooked pheasant. Tell a particularly good fireside tale. Hell, even make fire […]

Posted inLifestyleTech

Spending online, safely

Personally I think online shopping is one of the more valuable additions the internet has made to my life. I don’t always like shopping malls, and I absolutely hate not finding a specific product I’m looking for, never mind finally tracking down that product only to arrive at a store with depleted stock levels. Thankfully […]