Posted inLifestyle

The KFC nightmare

There is a road I drive along frequently whenever I’m in Durban — a road that cuts through a squatter camp and passes a number of makeshift roadside stalls (hairdresser, general store, butchery) and a glut of fast-food joints (Nando’s, KFC, Chicken Licken). I was stopped at a traffic light last time I was in […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Jacob’s ladder

Regular readers will know that I believe the president will be regarded by history as one of our finest leaders. I’ve dealt with this in a number of previous articles that you can source elsewhere on this blog. While I disagree with many of Mbeki’s (ANC) policies and his approach to certain issues (as set […]

Posted inSport

Centre stage

For quite some time now, debate has ebbed and flowed over the value of Francois Steyn to the Bok cause and the position best suited to maximising this value. There is no question that he can add value — young, big, fast, precocious, he seems to have it all.

Posted inLifestyle

Is religion rubbish?

Following my post several weeks ago arguing for atheism and against gods and religion of all kinds, much debate has ensued. At some stage, I will try to summarise the main points in a new post. However, you might like to check out the intense discussion in the comments of the original piece: Why atheists […]

Posted inGeneral

Dying to live

Randy Pausch is dying of pancreatic cancer. In fact, he only has about two to four months of healthy life left. He is a professor at Carnegie Mellon, and recently participated in the Last Lecture series. The Last Lecture series is an US initiative, run by various universities who invite their best professors to give […]

Posted inLifestyle

Weekend lockdown

This past weekend was both the Johannesburg party person’s dream and nightmare: so much to pick from and so little time. The Arts Alive programme was out in full swing, there was DJ Kenzhero’s monthly Party People session, there was the annual Soweto beach party … I could go on but then this post would […]

Posted inLifestyle

Of men and stupid hats

I was at the Rocking the Daisies festival in Darling this past weekend, and I couldn’t help noticing how many men in stupid hats were strolling around without any semblance of shame. Tell me, menfolk of South Africa, is this some kind of latent desire that only creeps out in places of loud music and […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

You didn’t get this from me …

Al Neuharth, the founder of USA Today, the United States’s largest newspaper, once remarked that “anonymous sources are the root of all evil in journalism”. That may have been an overstatement, but not by much. In many cases, journalists can’t do their jobs without using anonymous sources; often, however, they are simply an excuse for […]