Posted inNews/Politics

ANC war of the bulldogs — part one

It is no secret that the main rivals for the ANC presidency have — for a while now — been grooming and breeding vicious bulldogs. How else can one describe the behaviour of both Mbeki and Zuma’s lieutenants in attacking each other in the ongoing mudslinging showdown in the ruling party? Like ruthless animals they […]

Posted inBusinessTech

Who needs private capital?

In this country, the notion of private companies risking their capital on infrastructure projects is a no-no. While it complains about “market failure” and high prices, the Financial Mail’s Duncan McLeod reports that the government has just decided to spend $2 billion (!) on its own undersea cable project.

Posted inSport

Why we’ll lose the World Cup

It’s Saturday evening. 9pm. The World Cup final. Fifteen men in green and gold line up to face fifteen men in white. It’s a showdown of epic proportions — England want to avenge past humiliations; South Africa are equally hungry and need to prove their worth as “past World Cup winners”. In the UK, millions […]

Posted inBusiness

An hour with Lood Bester

Meet the man who is revolutionising the motor-car salvage industry and a Blue Bulls fan to boot. Traps (T): Tell me a bit about Ludewikus Bester. Lood (L): I matriculated at Lichtenburg High, having spent most of my school days at boarding schools in Pretoria. I’m 36 years old, married to a wonderful girl, Aldurette, […]

Posted inLifestyle

The Has-Been-Hotties

Fat people are slow by their gigantic nature. This, to disillusioned thin people, may seem like a huge disadvantage; well, it might be most of the time like when you are being chased by Fluffy, the neighbours’ annoying poodle, but sometimes it is actually an advantage. See, being slow helps when it comes to observation […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The truth about Eskom

Last Saturday morning, at about 8.30am, I drove past the Durban cricket stadium. It was a relatively sunny day and the stadium stood in silence, yet its four high-powered floodlights were shining brightly, eating up hundreds of watts per second. I was outraged. How can electricity be wasted in such a shameless manner while South […]

Posted inNews/Politics

What are Zuma and Mbeki lobbyists smoking?

Someone must invest in a sledgehammer and knock some sense into the heads of the supporters of Jacob Zuma for excluding President Thabo Mbeki from their list proposals for the powerful ANC national executive committee. That person should also deal a good blow to Mbeki’s backers for doing the same with Zuma. Turn that sledgehammer […]