Posted inBusinessMedia

Grovel time

Although I never in my Spielbergian imagination thought I’d have to post a blog like this, I apologise sincerely for any offence I caused with comments in my blog headlined: “Working on that pig’s ear, baby“. It was not my intention to hurt my young colleagues and I acknowledge I used some harsh turns of […]

Posted inLifestyle

They really are watching you

You are right, they are watching you. I’m somewhat paranoid — who isn’t? But here’s a chilling little tale. You are on your way into the UK from Europe. You go through immigration. You get pulled aside. The official has a simple question: Why did you go to a particular Palestinian restaurant in London two […]

Posted inLifestyle

Public moments of intimacy

I’ve been noticing, lately, how many intensely personal moments there are walking around the streets every day. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about spying on people or stalking anyone; I’m not (despite anyone’s allegations!) the type of person who strolls around stealing people’s saris off beaches (see this blog post for the […]

Posted inMedia

How dare he?

Ronald Suresh Roberts tests my commitment to freedom of expression. When I read his blog calling Mondli Makhanya a chicken, I wanted it taken down off Thought Leader. But to do that would be to abuse the space as he has abused it. Abused it by parading attack as debate; innuendo as critical thought. Bile […]

Posted inBusinessLifestyle

Wines of change

South African wines are rated top of the global connoisseur’s list and have been for very many years. For most South African wine consumers, the marvel of having so many award-winning vineyards on our doorstep is often taken for granted, as are the underlying facts of them being located in a very unique biosphere, giving […]

Posted inLifestyle

Valuing freedom

The other day, I downloaded an entire book from the internet. For free. It was an incredibly empowering act. In a society where knowledge is costly and education requires financial sacrifice, it was refreshing to find that someone had decided the value of a product lay not in the money one paid for it, but […]