Posted inBusinessMedia

The motivation to co-create value

The idea of authentic co-creation is quite obviously the most important shift that is happening in marketing and strategy today. It is a move away from centralised control of communications and branding to a more decentralised, user-oriented approach. At the iCommons Innovation Series last week in Jo’burg, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales stated that any business […]

Posted inMediaTech

Google SA: Set to rule

Unfortunately, I was not lucky enough to receive an invite to the Google South Africa event that happened in Johannesburg yesterday. Stafford Masie, country manager for Google South Africa, gave some insight into Google SA’s plans once it has launched in February next year. I think it’s great to see Stafford wanting to leverage the […]

Posted inLifestyle

‘Follow your bliss …’

I want to follow my bliss. Joseph Campbell, a lifelong student and teacher of mythology, and an extremely inspirational man (find out more about him at the Joseph Campbell Foundation — brought this idea of following your bliss to light when he said: “If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind […]

Posted inGeneral

Oh, wind your neck in!

Am I missing something or are we rapidly putting our ability to take criticism in the same parlous condition in which we’ve put our planet? This isn’t about the futile he-said-she-said roundelay or the kind of puerile my-view’s-better-than-your-view nonsense. This is about listening, really listening to what people are saying, questioning their propositions, their motives […]