We can look forward to a health hangover and continued flexi-time at work, but local businesses could be in trouble and the anti-vaxxer movement is gaining traction
fake news
Vaccine scepticism: Words can harm us
By stopping the spread of fake news, ordinary citizens can help us reach herd immunity
Liberal thought has a place in the era of artificial intelligence
Because liberalism demands accountability, AI now enters into an updated social contract between individuals, their states, and AI-producing companies
Ancient ailments and current contagions
The effects of plagues in antiquity and modern ages reveal startling similarities.
At lockdown level one, Covid-19 has not been good for democracy
Fake news and disinformation abound and mistrust means people are starting to doubt the virus even exists. This is the perfect storm for those who benefit from chaos and corruption
Who’s afraid of Big Fake News: How the expert lost her voice
By Daniel den Hollander Information is all around us. Social media platforms keep us informed of the latest developments. You would assume that this continuous access to the latest knowledge would make us smarter and more informed. Unfortunately, it has also created an explosion of fake news, conspiracy theories, and misinformation, often based on prejudice. […]