Posted inNews/Politics

Blue Tuesday

By Zuki Mqolomba I woke up to a wardrobe dilemma this morning. Given the choice of a litany of unattractive black attire I’d long abandoned given the season, I was rattled by the political choice imposed on me on this ordinary Tuesday-turned-extraordinary. By accident, omission or actual deliberation, my choice of “shirt, skirt, shoes and […]

Posted inGeneralNews/Politics

Christians – the world’s most persecuted faith group

While Jews agonise over anti-Semitism and Muslims rail against Islamophobia, both of which are supposedly on the rise everywhere you look, remarkably little is being heard on behalf of arguably the world’s most persecuted religious group today, namely Christians. I say “arguably”, because anti-Buddhist persecution in Tibet and Myanmar/Burma is also an unhappy reality. Still, […]

Posted inLifestyle

We’ll need two planets by 2030

At the beginning of his latest book, Treading Softly: Paths to Ecological Order, American ecological scholar Thomas Princen quotes from the Living Planet Report of 2008: “Our global [ecological] footprint now exceeds the world’s capacity to regenerate by about 30%. If our demands on the planet continue at the same rate, by the mid-2030s we […]

Posted inGeneral

Like, so now what?

As brand warriors battle it out on the social media platform for consumer favour, “Like” has shed its identity as a plain old verb in the English dictionary to become a sought-after means of creating a following of potential brand champions … and buyers. Social media is definitely one of the biggest trends of this […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Going bonkers over bunkers

So, this is where we find ourselves in 2011. We have, north of the continent, the now deceased Muammar Gaddafi — notwithstanding his bunkers from which he ultimately had to run away from, not because they did not provide him with enough comfort, but because they could not withstand the people’s will. We now, unbelievably […]

Posted inGeneral

Automation key to communication system consolidation

It is not only possible but very beneficial to run an organisation with various businesses or business units — situated in disparate geographic locations — using an ERP system for back-end functions and a single communications platform. This scenario is not an operational pipe dream — it is a reality that can be rolled out […]