Posted inNews/Politics

Matching reforms to institutional realities

Social service delivery is weak across the developing world. While there is substantial heterogeneity across regions and countries, the picture of failing services is a familiar one. Challenges such as systematically high levels of absenteeism among teachers, doctors and nurses, persistent rates of drug stock outs — particularly in rural health clinics, rates of leakage […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

The importance of public spending

The existence of long-term growth effects from public spending is hardly contested in policy discussions. Growth literature that has emerged over the last 20 years supports the belief that public spending affects long-term growth. First, standard growth models explaining total output level as a function of factor inputs (capital and labour), as well as the […]

Posted inGeneral

Books on wheels

By Noella Moshi The Development and Debate Dinner group people are a motley bunch but they have two things in common: a penchant for active citizenship and a fondness for wine. We meet for dinner once a month and discuss how we can be the change we wish to see. It was during one such […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

South Africa 2013

South Africa’s potential growth has slowed over the last few years. Considerable efforts will be needed to meet the Government’s goal of raising per capita income and to create 11 million new jobs by 2030. Moreover, inequality continues to be unacceptably high, suggesting that making growth more inclusive remains an important policy challenge. Our government […]

Posted inGender violence

Should we forgive Chris Brown?

On social media this week there has been some outrage at Chris Brown holding a concert in South Africa. In particular the outrage is that this event is taking place during the 16 Days of Activism to end violence against women[i], and that Chris Brown is a confessed perpetrator of domestic violence against pop artist, […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Addressing the housing shortage in South Africa

Access for the poor to urban land and housing is one of the main challenges facing policy makers in South Africa. Estimates suggest that 26% of households in the six metropolitan areas in our country live in in-formal dwellings, often “illegally” and with limited access to services. Movement from the informal to the formal sector […]

Posted inLifestyle

Put Nigella down

Cookbooks are a perennial favourite at Christmas time. They are as much fun to give as to receive because the giver stands a good chance of being invited over for dinner to try out a new recipe. We all like to be thought of as the kind of person who has an inner gourmet just […]

Posted inGeneral

Corporate use of ‘gamification’ drives brand engagement and business goals

Companies of all kinds have begun to introduce‘gamification’ into the way their products, processes, training and marketing are presented and consumed.   Gamification is particularly successful at promoting engagement with brandsand portfolios, and drivingstrategic objectives likeincreased sales, marketing and even innovation.   This is because of a predisposition in many people to respond to fun, […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

The financial crisis and emerging economies

The role of globalisation after the 2008–2009 financial crises has fundamentally altered the economic landscape around the world. Excessive dependence on exports to the United States and the European Union has long been identified as a problem for developing countries. Product and market diversification should be part of any trade or development strategy. The fall […]