Posted inGeneral

To hell with this anti-black education system!

A Guatemalan poet, guerrilla fighter and revolutionary, Otto René Castillo, forces us as Africans to return from our retreat from the habit of thinking when he speaks to us of apolitical intellectuals of our time. Castillo says of these people: “One day the apolitical intellectuals of my country will be interrogated by the simplest of […]

Posted inGeneral

Is the Sadtu strike a hail to freedom?

Khethelo Xulu As we celebrate Freedom Day in South Africa and wish to see more positive things in our country, I, as a young person, am saddened by the state of basic education, particularly in rural and townships schools. As we celebrate, we talk about sacrifices made by different people on different levels, heroines and […]

Posted inEqualityGender violence

On sexuality and freedom

“It is not enough to inquire into how women might become more fully represented in language and politics. Feminist critique ought also to understand how the category of ‘women’, the subject of feminism, is produced and restrained by the very structures of power through which emancipation is sought.” Judith Butler: Gender Trouble. At first read, […]

Posted inEquality

Government must get Metrorail back on track

Many of the comments left on my previous post about the disaster that is Metrorail suggested that privatising the service would be a better option. But this ignores the exploitation of customers by the private sector as indicated by the bread price-fixing scandal and the recent exposure of the construction cartels. Privatising is no solution, […]

Posted inEquality

Black people are poor, not stupid

I am terribly annoyed by academics and political analysts in this country. It has become a Herculean task for me to even read their works and research based on the conditions of black people, particularly in the townships and rural areas. Most of these academic papers and articles, whatever issue they deal with, however different […]