Posted inBusiness

An hour with Lood Bester

Meet the man who is revolutionising the motor-car salvage industry and a Blue Bulls fan to boot. Traps (T): Tell me a bit about Ludewikus Bester. Lood (L): I matriculated at Lichtenburg High, having spent most of my school days at boarding schools in Pretoria. I’m 36 years old, married to a wonderful girl, Aldurette, […]

Posted inSport

Brian Ashton to be rewarded?

Barely weeks after the English media were telephoning vets across England to ascertain the price of having their coach spayed comes the heartwarming story of the English RFU’s decision to extend his contract. Wonderful news, which means I can now throw away my copy of Dr Alan Cresswell’s report. The vet from Bath was waffling […]

Posted inSport

Mark Boucher: Potential fulfilled

Potential. It’s often that little bit of something that many of us possess, but never maximise. An ingredient or two that steers us in a particular direction, begging to be fostered, nurtured and ultimately acted upon. Often it’s latent ability, so obvious that to consign it to the scrapheap of “unfulfilled potential” would be a […]