Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

Gear: A bureaucratic story, and some tough questions and challenges

“Asiyifuni Gear [We do not want Gear].” This was a common slogan by unionists in response to the government’s Growth, Employment and Redistribution Strategy. It reflected opposition to Gear. Eleven years later, Gear is still hotly debated. Recently, Finance Minister Trevor Manuel offered a spirited defence of the consultation process leading up to Gear. Manuel, […]

Posted inLifestyle

The chilli chocolate circus

Madame Zingara’s Theatre of Dreams, outside Montecasino in Johannesburg, is a truly fantabulistic, out-of-this-world experience. It’s so fresh, so original and so much fun. From the second you walk into the giant circus-like tent, you feel yourself transported to another world. A world where bohemian rhapsody, funny hats and the abstractly bizarre all meet in […]

Posted inGeneral

Merre Christmas

Modderdam Road runs from the N2 highway into the centre of beautiful downtown Bellville, part of greater Cape Town. I’ve been driving the four or so kilometers of the road to the University of the Western Cape every day for 10 years. Modderdam is a microcosm of the world we live in: vistas of development […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The sinister Marc Dutroux cover-up (part one)

It’s worth reminding ourselves of the events surrounding Belgian paedophile abductor Marc Dutroux. Institutions that are meant to protect society can sometimes contribute to misdeeds of the most sinister kind. The Dutroux case was characterised by deliberate police incompetence and behind-the-scenes murder of witnesses. In June 1995, two eight-year-old friends, Julie Lejeune and Melissa Russo, […]

Posted inLifestyle

Raising a generation of substance abusers

Last week Friday, my company held its year-end function. You can imagine how important such an occasion is. Free booze and food and, of course, the whole dress-up-to-a-theme thing and the bad decisions regularly made by aesthetically pleasing females meant that I missed the slaughtering of a bovine creature feature on Friday at my cousin’s […]