Posted inGeneral

Who’s your daddy?

In doing some research on New Zealand rugby, in advance of the Springboks playing the All Blacks on 5 July, I discovered that the New Zealand Maori rugby union team actually came about primarily as a result of those New Zealanders of Maori descent who could not tour South Africa because of the colour bar. […]

Posted inGeneral

Irony that is music to my ears

Submitted by Dylan Edwards The news that Nelson Mandela’s 90th birthday will be celebrated with a concert in Hyde Park would have been exciting news for many South Africans. Unfortunately, the Hyde Park in question is not the northern Johannesburg suburb; in fact, it’s in London. And the excited South Africans are not the 40-odd-million […]

Posted inGeneral

Violence is not a game

There has been an exponential increase in the rate of reported cases of violence in our schools of late and this time the focus is not on the violence brought about by drug dealing gangsters terrorizing our young ones with a promise of something rather ‘ighry to puff on or snort. No, the violence that […]

Posted inLifestyle

The freedom of not having a car

I love the freedom of not having a car. No monthly payments, no ruinous splodges of wonga on the garage card. No insurance, no tracking device, no monthly subscription for said tracking device.* In South Africa, I drove a RunX, which, I reasoned, was solid and practical and easier to sell than the Fiat I […]