Posted inNews/Politics

ANC collective may make it more difficult for Zuma to retain economic policies

It comes as no surprise to me that JZ is charming the pants off the media down in Davos — he is, after all, the most charismatic leader this country has ever produced (and that includes Madiba): =6&art_id=vn20080125025211403C858475 BusinessTimes/Article.aspx?id=692199 At Polokwane, we watched him strutting his stuff and it really was exciting fare […]

Posted inLifestyle

Feel-good songs for Friday

These are a few of my favourite, can’t-resist-dancing songs. (It’s Friday! Lighten up!) I Feel it All by Leslie Feist. A new acquisition (just got it this week), but totally irresistible. Great beat, fantastic lyrics, and it’ll get stuck in your head and never, ever, ever leave. Best line? “I know more than I’m known […]

Posted inGeneral

Stealing chickens

Professor Steven Friedman, sir, I write in response to your blog entitled “Eskom, Zuma and some people’s nightmares“. As a white South African, I am greatly disturbed by you (a professor) casually calling disgruntled white South Africans “racists”. Please allow me a little story to illustrate part of my point: I once met a lovely […]