Posted inLifestyle

Are we starting to get it?

I have been on a bit of a hiatus from writing in recent times. I even went on a ‘driving nowhere slowly’ jaunt in the northern KwaZulu-Natal last week. I had meant to return with a piece about my experiences on the road. But that has to wait. In the past I have gone on […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Who owns your mind?

I go face to face with Wadim Schreiner for the inside scoop on agenda setting and the battle for control of your brain. Schreiner is a specialist media analyst and the MD of Media Tenor South Africa and partner in Media Tenor International (Switzerland). He decodes and analyses media trends and interprets the media agenda […]

Posted inGeneral

The coach’s corner

Hello from a surprisingly overcast Johannesburg. For some reason we seem to take this weather with us. We had it in Somerset West for our training camp, and then the first part of the week in Bloem. It’s meant a few of us are fighting the flu, but hey, if that’s our only complaint things […]

Posted inGeneral

The world food crisis: intractable and explosive

In no other time during humanity’s recorded history is the savagery of market relations so paradoxically defined as in this age of plenty. We are able to transform deserts into oases, carve a path through hitherto impenetrable mountain ranges, successfully land an explorative mission to Mars. Human beings are manufactured in laboratories, the parched and […]

Posted inMedia

US sport: A marketer’s dream

This weekend, I watched a cricket match. I don’t mean I joined some fellow South Africans and crammed into one of the few pubs in the city that broadcasts cricket and rugby. No, I mean I watched a live cricket game, which, in the US, is about as rare an event as hen’s teeth. It […]

Posted inGeneral

Do white South Africans hate local soccer?

Sometimes we ask ourselves certain questions in the privacy of our minds, and then wonder if other people would be offended if we were to ask these particular questions in public. This is where the beauty of democracy comes in. This liberal system of ours must at least protect “the right to be wrong” and […]

Posted inGeneral

Santana’s do or die encounter

I foresee an influx of job-hunting Brazilians raiding our shores in the not so distant future. This would be one incoming swarm, which even our self-styled special tactics division in Alexandra could never stop. A precedent has been set. The likelihood that a Brazilian job-hunter could be valued at no less than R1 million is […]