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Unite the party, bury the hatchet

The Umkhonto we Sizwe Veterans’ Association and the African National Congress Youth League have warned South Africans of the consequences of the continued “persecution” — as opposed to prosecution — of ANC president Jacob Zuma in terms of what they deem to be a political conspiracy. ANCYL president Julius Malema and MKVA chairperson Kebby Maphatsoe […]

Posted inLifestyle

Three beauty-full sites

So I’ve been doing some online exploration over the past little while, and happened to stumble across three artists’ websites that I think are just lovely. Care for some relaxing Friday web surfing? Yeondoo Jung ( is a Korean artist who did an amazing project in 2005, where he took children’s drawings and made them […]

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One step backwards, two steps forward.

Not for the first time government, the 2010 Local Organising Committee and other key 2010 role players have undertaken a damage-control exercise following FIFA President Sepp Blatter’s recent admission that there is a “Plan B” if South Africa is unable to host the 2010 World Cup. But it has taken the comments of two prominent […]

Posted inLifestyle

On discovering Mongolian pop music

It is seldom that Mongolia makes the news headlines but it did at the beginning of July. A rare republic in their part of the woods with Russia and China as neighbours, Mongolia’s people protested against alleged vote rigging forcing the President to declare a state of emergency. I knew so little about Mongolia, I […]

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Is South Africa destined to blow it after all?

South Africa’s plummeting image internationally must surely be a cause of concern today. This year things have significantly worsened with such new crises as the xenophobia outbreak, power cuts and continuing leadership vacuum in the ruling party being added to the usual concerns about out-of-control crime, HIV/Aids denialism and failures to confront the Zimbabwe fiasco. […]

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Zimbabwe negotiations are bound to fail

There has been a lot of jubilation and misguided excitement about the recent Zimbabwean negotiations, what with the European Union praising Mbeki’s mediation effort and the brokering of a memorandum of understanding. Surprisingly this song and dance has not been witnessed by the protagonists (Zanu-PF and MDC) themselves. Clearly this should be a sign that […]