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Nerves of steel, and a lack thereof …

Before the main event, just a quick mention on last night’s epic struggle for the last golf Major of the year. Sergio Garcia, in Spain’s golden year of sport, looked set to claim his first big prize, but that nerveless Dubliner that is Padraig Harrington obviously didn’t read the script. Thrice, he drenched in long […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

Would you miss TV?

This weekend, I moved from my zhoozh fully furnished apartment with jaw-droppingly amazing view of the Sydney harbour (to go with discounted R4 500 weekly rent) to a slightly less expensive, less zhoozh apartment with a slightly less spectacular view of Mosman Bay marina. It was a painful experience, largely because I moved my worldly goods […]

Posted inGeneral

The revolution must come full circle

Submitted by Garikai Nyaruwata revolution noun [C] a deep-seated change in method of thinking often designed to effect fundamental changes in the political and socioeconomic situation. Earlier this year the University of Cape Town ANC Youth League distributed a number of posters on campus containing a treatise in commemoration of Chris Hani. A substantive portion […]

Posted inBusiness

Arts can help business training get a standing ovation

The creative arts and power of today’s multimedia technology are emerging as new tools for achieving business success, particularly in the realm of skills development where it is being applied in inventive and fresh ways to help enhance teamwork, improve decision-making and boost productivity. Using the input of artists, graphic designers, movie makers, cartoonists, theatre […]

Posted inGeneral

A dialogue of chameleons?

My view is that politicians are like chameleons: they change their skin colour depending on the environment that they want to adapt to. This is the case today as it was yesterday, with Zimbabwean politicians from all political formations. Suddenly Zanu-PF and the MDC are bed-fellows; they can together mislead the media, agree to media […]

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A slice for everyone?

Throughout this land and much of the sub-continent, ordinary people are hoping to cash in on the world’s biggest single-code sporting event. But four years after South Africa was granted the rights to host the 2010 World Cup, it is still unclear how a tournament that promises to generate billions of rands will help the […]

Posted inGeneral

Preparing to be awe-inspired at the Olympics

If watching the Olympics means enjoying events that blow you away because of the sheer athleticism, immense control, strength and amazing agility exhibited by the participants, then don’t miss the synchronised swimming, particularly the team competition. I’ve heard the arguments that synchro shouldn’t be at the Olympics because it isn’t a true “sport”. I counter […]