Posted inNews/Politics

“Prosecute President Mbeki, Maduna and Ngcuka!”

Judge Willem Heath has engaged in some extrajudicial adventures and a personal crusade against President Mbeki, former Minister of Justice Panuel Maduna and former Director of National Prosecutions Bulelani Ngcuka. Heath has suggested that charges be laid against these three men following the injudicious inferences contained in the judgment passed by Judge Nicholson. According to […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

Arms trade: corrupting the soul of Africa and developing countries

The government’s strategic arms procurement (the so-called “arms deal”) has been the root of all troubles for our young democracy. The arms manufacturers prey on young democracies and the developing countries, enticing them with promises of endless benefits that industrial participation projects (offset arrangements) make possible. Shortly after freedom ushered a new government after 1994, […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Zapiro, Zuma and us – Part 2. Using rape against rape

Recently Dr Mamphela Ramphele astutely observed that the problem with African leaders is their inability “to envision their roles as agents of fundamental transformation of their societies”. I want to extend her point to those in the business of manufacturing public opinion, in particular journalists and cartoonists. Ramphele uses the example of Zimbabwean President Robert […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zuma decision: Something fishy?

Paragraph 195 of Judge Chris Nicholson’s judgement deals with the overall conspiracy allegations of Jacob Zuma in somewhat fishy terms. In essence, it’s the old sprat-to-catch-a-mackerel routine in that the conspirators, via the NPA, would use Thint (sprat) as bait to nail Shaik (mackerel) and once he was convicted they could bring down the big […]