Posted inNews/Politics

Why I’m endorsing Cope

As an official blogger and egomaniac I thought that it was incumbent upon me to make my position clear given the current state of our nation. The desire to write this endorsement is also driven by the false notion that people might take what I have to say seriously. As the title suggests, I fully […]

Posted inGeneral


A few months ago, an article was published titled Google’s search dominance, stating the following: According to Masie, a sixth of all internet searches in South Africa come from mobile devices, the highest ratio in the world. To ensure that it leads in the mobile search market Google SA launched its universal search for mobile […]

Posted inGeneral

The Dalai Lama: Holy man or gangster?

I have always been deeply suspicious of the way history or current events are conveyed. There is so much opportunity for the entropy of the “truth” from original event to end readers of texts: texts which are inevitably just interpretations and potentially filled with biases. Thus, infamously, a factory for WMD in Iraq turns out […]

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1861 Mr Malema

Often when the stresses of daily life start getting to me I do a little exercise which helps to put everything back into some sort of perspective. Hopefully it will assist some of you lot as well, in not only easing the pain of modern day living but also in gaining a bit of knowledge […]