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The problem with female judges

Nobody believes Minister Radebe when he says the judiciary must transform to reflect the racial, gender and demographic reality of the country. Everybody thinks this is about making sure the ANC never has to go through another Zuma-Shaik fiasco. But the ANC says this impending transformation is in fact about reflecting the racial, gender and […]

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Zimbabwe: A nation in need of healing

The decade-long crisis in Zimbabwe has affected the psyche and social fabric of the nation. There were senseless and callous murderous acts that today dominate the news headlines and community talks. From Beitbridge to Victoria Falls, Gokwe to Zaka, stories abound about rampant killings and general decay in morality. Not only have these been normalised […]

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On envy

Kahndisthi as an impediment to human solidarity for sustainable development If jealousy is indeed the green-eyed monster that gnaws at ones very soul forcing the person into a state of derision and acquisition for the purpose of being competitively displaced; then kahndisthi, as the mechanism and indeed substance of envy itself, must be an impediment […]

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The half-genius of Marc Andreessen

The internet since first conceived in the late 1980s has been a place of innovation. There has been so much innovation that you’d think it would be hard to single out an innovator or innovation which stands out above the rest. But there is one innovator and innovation, which is head and shoulders above the […]

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Waving around the old SA flag and perceptions

I have been wanting to write another blog on the fascinating phenomenon of perception for some time. Khaya Dlanga’s recent blog on banning the old flag was a good way to ground it in a controversial, hotly debated example of perception. I sympathise with Khaya’s impassioned request for the banning of the old South African […]

Posted inLifestyle

Simple is good, simplistic not

By Roger Diamond I recently read there are proposals afoot that use a geoengineering approach to deal with climate change. Geoengineering involves making changes to the Earth’s surface and basic physical makeup on a scale that can influence large-scale systems such as weather, river flows and so on. Humans have been geoengineering for centuries, chopping […]

Posted inNews/Politics

SA gun owners up in arms

The Firearms Control Act (60 of 2000) has long been the cause of heated debate between those who would possess firearms as opposed to those who regulate and administer control thereof. I recall an evening about ten years ago when one particular genius — who I’m sure slept with his guns while his missus took […]

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Rooting for the underdog?

An acquaintance recently indulged me in one of my favourite pastimes — arguing over inconsequential matters using our respective employers email facilities. Nought out of the ordinary there you may say. And you’d be right, I imagine at least 60% of time spent on work email is not in the furtherance of an employer’s “global […]

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Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium: The good news and the very bad news

The good news is that the South African government and Eastern Cape government, along with the Nelson Mandela Bay municipality, have collectively spent R2 billion in developing a magnificent and spectacular multipurpose sports facility in the Eastern Cape for soccer and rugby. This excludes the billions going into support infrastructures to ensure the stadium becomes an […]

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Will mobile applications kill Web 2.0 freebies?

Since the launch of the iPhone, the application development scene for mobile handsets has gone ballistic. My history is most likely wrong, so don’t be pedantic, but Symbian and Windows Mobile drove the mobile application market with its Java and Win32-driven applications way way back in the day when phones first added cameras in the […]