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Religion, the ultimate taboo subject?

Thinking people generally resent being presented with take-it-or-leave-it dogmatic certainties, especially when it comes to the “Ultimate Questions” of humanity’s origins and purpose. That being the case, why did I choose to present a pro-religion argument in my last post in so unqualified and in-your-face manner? It was not, contrary to certain rather spiteful suggestions […]

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Religious belief is more logical than atheism

“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”. These words were put by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle into the mouth of his most-celebrated creation, Sherlock Holmes, and for me they provide a useful way of approaching the deepest mystery of all — is our universe and all that is […]

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Exiled Zimbabweans should return home

At a time when Zimbabwe should be experiencing a brain gain, its brain drain shows no sign of abetting. At least not just yet. It is naive to have expected aspiring Zimbabweans blessed with what used to be some of the continent’s most illustrious education, to have stayed on in the country when things were […]

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Burka violates women’s right to dignity

Freedom of expression, subject to particular limitations, in all democratic societies is guaranteed to all citizens. Democratic values of human dignity and equality are affirmed by such freedoms, which we hold dearly. It is generally accepted in our country that while we exercise these freedoms, none of us should extend them to advocacy of hatred […]