Posted inGeneral

Our pal China: Big daddy loves you, SA!

Some articles have appeared recently on Thought Leader with regard to “China taking over the world”. It is also big in the current literature, for example Martin Jaques’s recent When China Rules the World. The key word there, of course, is “when”, not “if”. The book to some extent explores the “how”, and, to state […]

Posted inGeneral

Who loves the abuser?

Could I abuse someone? This is a question I have repeatedly asked myself recently after reading the voluminous blogs on this site about abuse and its many grotesque manifestations: child abuse, rape and violence against women, to name a few. As someone who has been physically and mentally abused, it is not an easy question […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zille: Donatella Quixote

By making a decision to introduce legislation, which will ban officials from doing business with the state, the DA proves that collectively they have no clue about eradicating corruption. Indeed, while yes, there are loopholes which allow for the state to be pillaged by people who have been entrusted with running the state, and yes, […]

Posted inGeneral

City Power knocked my lights out!

Heritage Day for most people was a day to celebrate. Braais were going, music was playing and people chilled at home or at events around the country. For some, however, Heritage Day was pretty miserable and heritage night and the entire long weekend was worse and was spent in the dark. That’s because City Power […]

Posted inGeneral

KP and co took a chance and it paid off — big time!

The sticky issue of England’s cricket side resembling a United Nations delegation keeps raising its head, but it shouldn’t be such a surprising trend to cricket followers. A glance at the numbers reveal why so many South Africans, in particular, find themselves furnished with county contracts and the long-term prospect, however faint, of international cricket […]