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A letter to Buti Manamela

An open-and-shut letter to Buti Manamela Dear Comrade Buti, The Young so-called Communist League is battling to remain relevant. I am making this bold statement because I know that though you may disagree with it you will understand it perfectly. Two years ago I wrote with appreciation for the work that your organisation was doing […]

Posted inLifestyle

Emigration and being in limbo

Being an emigrant means always being in a state of limbo. When you’re planning to emigrate, you’re not really here. You put off purchasing a house; the car you buy must be something you can get rid of quickly. Everything is a matter of “when the visa comes through” or “when we move to xyz”. […]

Posted inGeneral

Ukweshwama: What is all this bull?

The Scramble for Africa which began in the 1880s has been largely blamed for disrupting and eroding the cultural practices and traditions of Africans. Africans have maintained that colonialism and imperialism served to entrench Western values while undermining their way of life. The rise of African nationalism since the end of colonisation imbued those who […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Simelane’s rule of law

At a press conference to explain his response to the Ginwala Commission, a journalist asked then-president Kgalema Motlanthe to elaborate on what he meant by referring the matter of the director-general of the department of justice and constitutional development, Menzi Simelane, to the minister “in accordance with the law”. Simelane had, according to the Ginwala […]

Posted inLifestyle

Sometimes culture is a load of bull

There are two main points that really get my goat about the current Ukweshwama debacle (Ukweshwama, for those who don’t know, is a traditional Zulu ceremony involving the ritualistic slaying of a bull). The first is the unbridled cruelty to the animal involved, and the second is the most widely used justification for the ritual’s […]

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How do you extract a birth certificate from an extinct country (Zim)?

Before getting into this blog, it would be appreciated if any reader can give me a practical answer or solution to the question posed in my blog title above and a quick solution (less than six months processing) for the unabridged South African birth certificate. Seriously. Including a Zimbabwean unabridged birth certificate. Dictionaries define “country” […]

Posted inGeneral

ANC-Cosatu rift widens

Just when South Africans thought that rifts within the alliance were a thing of the past post-Zuma versus Mbeki, along comes the next big one. This time it is Cosatu taking on what it considers to be the anti-left elements within the ANC. If regard is had to the Reuters article (click on link) then […]

Posted inMedia

So I bought a man this weekend

This is not something I’ve done before, mind you. I bought him on Saturday afternoon, for R550, and what an interesting experience it was. I felt like, all empowered and stuff, expressing the power my corporate salary confers upon me and using it to turn stereotypes on their head, yadda yadda, and all in the […]