Posted inGeneral

Is R500K the minimum for a bribe?

At the beginning of the “Tender Revolution” when BEE became fashionable, many previously disadvantaged black folks scrambled to set up companies in their quest to emancipate themselves from economic subjugation. The promise of prosperity offered through preferential procurement opportunities inspired many to abandon formal employment in preference of exploring the unfamiliar business terrain. BEE is […]

Posted inGeneral

Disabled in an able society

By Michael Watermeyer To be alive and among other people means that we are subject to regulation. There are important rules which govern our interactions with others. These are social, administrative and economic rules of engagement in the home; in the workplace; on the street or in the shops; whether interacting with government, or institutions […]

Posted inNews/Politics

No Mass, please, we’re British!

“God and religion are two very very different things.” — Sinead O’Connor on Sky News (September 15 2010). With this simple sentence, the manifest of the Post-Religionist generation was posted on the billboard of human consciousness. This simple statement has done for modern spirituality what Martin Luther’s 95 theses, hammered to a church door in […]