Posted inNews/Politics

Silent Tsunami

I calculated that my flight from London to Italy for the Human Rights Film Festival resulted in 0.340 tonnes of carbon dioxide. The flight to Dubai was 1.259 tonnes, and then another 0.130 tonnes to get to Qatar for the Aljazeera Documentary Festival. Were the benefits gained from these events worth it? Many human rights […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The chief with Taiwanese blood and politainment

One of the reasons I have steadfastly steered clear of writing about politics (if you ignore my alarming ignorance on politics) is because I find politics excruciatingly boring. I’d rather spend eighteen hours a day picking prickly pears without gloves than spend fifteen minutes watching that insomnia-busting nothingness called Parliament Live featuring a riveting debate […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Hillary and the happy ending

It’s time to come clean. Against my better judgment, I think I may have had a soft spot for Hillary. Just a few weeks ago, I dreamt that the two of us were walking hand–in–hand. She was unusually charming. I was feeling guilty for not supporting her bid to become America’s next top commander. And […]

Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

Well-heeled make the Madiba magic fade as they carry on with business as usual

The privileged class would rather enjoy a life of luxury and indulge in shopping sprees than attend Freedom Day celebrations. They have no shame that their wealth is gotten by stealing and monopolising the Earth’s wealth for themselves, exploiting the working poor and perpetuating class-exclusive lifestyles and economic injustice. In fact, it is so business […]