Posted inBusinessMediaNews/Politics

The joy of officespeak

Many writers decry office-speak such as “going forward” or “step up to the plate” as “useless” or “irritating”. Let’s celebrate it instead. There are many uses for office-speak, or biz-speak, or buzzwords. “Going forward” has especially come in for criticism as a kind of nervous tick in business speech, a filler phrase without any meaning […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Morgan Tsvangirai is a man

If ever an African leader showed the wisdom of a King Solomon, then that man is Morgan Richard Tsvangirai. Like the biblical king before him, he adjudged that the party who would rather save the baby, in this case Zimbabwe, rather than win (power) at any cost, would demonstrate who has the true love for […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Blood oil

At last! The five-year old predatory war of America and its coalition partners has finally been placed in its clearest possible perspective. Britain, France and the US finally have their hands on the oil reserves of Iraq. For the first time in 36 years the oil reserves are in the hands of people who have […]

Posted inNews/Politics

A deal before summer?

Mugabe’s anti-imperialist rhetoric increased after his return from the World Food Summit, but by and large it was nothing more than getting himself into a bargaining position as he tries to cut a deal with Washington and London that will allow him to hold onto power. Nothing is being said about the frantic deal-making in […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Anatomy of prejudice

Is Barney Pityana correct in saying that the predominant form of racism in South Africa relates to mental processes of which individuals are aware or not aware? At the heart of Dr Pityana’s statement lies the well meaning gestures of an apologist — the xenophobic attacks of a month or so ago are not the […]