Posted inNews/Politics

The wrangle over Africa

It is hard to fathom, but Zimbabwe is sandwiched between the ambitions of two super powers to extend their influence over the African continent. Both China and the United States see Africa as the strategic focus in an ever-tense game of vying for hegemony. The recent outrage by the Bush administration at South Africa’s refusal […]

Posted inNews/Politics

We are true revolutionaries

We don’t care for your Constitutional Court with its pompous judges and overblown constitution. We are true revolutionaries. We say that the protection of human rights is yesterday’s idea and the Human Rights Commission is yesterday’s institution. We have to guard against the forces of darkness hiding in such places. We don’t care for bourgeois […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Carpe diem Zimbabwe

There can longer be any doubt that the future of South Africa and Zimbabwe are inextricably linked. The recovery and rebuilding of our northern neighbour is vital to our own progress and development. More importantly it affords an opportunity to rescue 5.1 million Zimbabweans from the brink, offer the exiles a stable home, relieves pressure […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Institutions shoring up Eurocentrism and ‘Western civilisation’ are not ‘non-partisan’

A contribution to Thought Leader by David Saks reminded me of an intellectual movement with which I associate myself, and which questions the continued application of Western thought/Eurocentrism as the dominant paradigm for social organisation — especially governance, policy-making, development and so forth. Out of this movement emerges a body of thought that questions the […]