Posted inNews/Politics

The greatest con

“We can copy everything except your mother.” So goes a saying in Shanghai — but soon they will not only copy your mother, but your mother-in-law too. With cloning, such a possibility may not be far-fetched. From top designer brands to car parts and even motorbikes, if there is demand, China can be relied on […]

Posted inNews/PoliticsTech

Towards the digital donga

It’s comforting to know that South Africa now has a formal, cabinet-approved digital migration policy, and even more so that our digital TV future will be curated by a Digital Dzonga (“digital south”) Advisory Council, drawn from the industry, labour and public, and reporting to the Minister of Communications. The announcement will come as a […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Open borders!

Not far from where I live is a woman who, like many others from her class, have the best of all the worlds possible. She owns a house somewhere here in Yorkshire and one in Cape Town, allowing her to live here for six months during the best of weather conditions in Britain, and to […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Entering fortress South Africa

I have had several South African friends and acquaintances complain to me about the difficulty of entering the United States since September 11. A friend of a friend was denied a visa just recently on the ludicrous fear that he would emigrate during his vacation to America. As much as I bemoan this situation and […]