Posted inNews/Politics

Zuma and Selebi conundrums

South Africans have every right to look to the government for an explanation of their handling of the Scorpions and Vusi Pikoli disbandment and dismissal. In both cases the impression that is left is that, regardless of the feelings of the citizens of this country and the findings of the commissions into both issues, the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The house of hunger

If Princeton economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is to be believed, 2009 could be a very tricky year. Forget tricky; it has the potential to be an outright disaster. The sad thing is that this financial mess will probably affect weaker economies disproportionately, even though they had the least to do with […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Whoring the Holocaust

The anti-war lobby’s use of Holocaust imagery to protest against Israel’s attack on Gaza is causing a commotion. At a protest I attended outside the Israeli Embassy in London on Sunday, activists waved placards demanding “Stop the Holocaust in Gaza”. One protester held up a home-made banner with a message scrawled in twirly black ink: […]

Posted inBusinessGeneralMediaNews/Politics

More than freedom of expression is under threat in South Africa

Thought Leader blogger Anja Merret recently mused about whether we were being brainwashed into panic. She asked, with considerable justification, whether our media and their international news networks were pumping so much doom and gloom into the already murky and polluted waters of South Africa’s national psyche that we were becoming the proudly SA Borg […]

Posted inNews/Politics

State genocide in Gaza

Today, nine days into a campaign of extermination by Israel, the Gaza strip is the largest open-air prison camp the world has seen. Commentators the world over are outraged by the carnage of the 1.5-million Gazans and the complicity of bourgeois governments in the West. True to form, the US vetoed a UNSC resolution condemning […]