Posted inNews/Politics

Woody Allen is Thabo Mbeki

The Golden Globes rewarded Hollywood’s latest presidential offering John Adams (second president of the USA) with a couple of awards just as Will Smith, having completed his first really deep and serious role, was expressing a desire to play the part of Barack Obama. Indeed there seems to be a never-ending production line of these […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Xenophobia and denialism

Denialism no answer to xenophobiaBy Imraan Buccus Imagine if, in 2009, an armed white mob chanting racist slogans stormed a building known to house mostly black people and proceeded to hurl people to their deaths. If local officials and politicians tried to deny that the motive had been racism and said that the mob was […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Christmas in Cuba

Being extremely risk averse, I seldom stray beyond the bounds of the law. Granted, I once had sex with another man just north of the Limpopo. It was consensual and, to be frank, quite delicious. But unlawful nevertheless. Luckily, however, the privacy of our coupe on the night train to Mutare secured our liberty. Steamy […]

Posted inNews/Politics

SCA overturning ruling on Zuma neither vindicates nor incriminates Mbeki

Yesterday’s decision by the Supreme Court of Appeal has overturned the September 12 2008 decision of Judge Chris Nicholson in the Pietermaritzburg High Court, in terms whereof he had held that the National Directorate of Public Prosecutions were obliged to afford ANC President Jacob Zuma the opportunity of making representations before a decision was taken […]