Posted inNews/Politics

Hlophe, Motata: Who are we to judge?

Professor Pierre de Vos, who teaches constitutional law at the University of the Western Cape, gave his thoughts in his not-to-be-missed blog Constitutionally Speaking on submissions by Judge President John Hlophe’s lawyers. They suggested the treatment meted out to their client, as opposed to that of the judges of the Constitutional Court, was inconsistent. In […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Demand a citizens’ recall now

Submitted by Trevor Watkins Who is accountable for the mess South Africa is in today? Nobody! That’s our problem. We have very limited mechanisms for holding the incompetents and crooks accountable, so our problems continue and escalate. Our much-touted Constitution has let the people of South Africa down badly in the area of official accountability. […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

History has moved on

I’ve been following this whole Jewish money, influence issue with some interest and, I’ll confess, not a little alarm. Specifically, the fact that many respondents to Sentletse Diakanyo’s piece were absolutely unfazed by the fact that one of his key sources has a (justified) reputation as a neo-Nazi. In debates both on Thought Leader and […]

Posted inNews/Politics

As good as it gets?

For an apology, at least one issued by a senior politician, it’s not half bad. None of the “misquoted” or “quoted out of context” nonsense we have become accustomed to being dished. Instead, in a carefully worded statement, Fatima Hajaig, the deputy minister of foreign affairs, has gone some way in undoing the damage caused […]

Posted inNews/Politics

United States of Africa? Not likely

Anyone who has been monitoring the African Union (AU) and the Southern African Development Community’s (SADC) response, or more importantly lack thereof, to the Zimbabwean crisis over an extended period would probably be staggered by any proposal to form a union government for the continent. Yet newly appointed chairperson Moammar Gadaffi and African leaders, currently […]