I just love lotteries. What I especially love about them is that you don’t even have to enter them any more. You just win them! I won four only this morning. I won lotteries in Spain (again!), France (my third), Egypt and Norway. Even if I had won only three since waking up, I would […]
Our president has blood on his hands
South Africa’s continued inaction on Zimbabwe is a disgrace. Mbeki’s “quiet diplomacy” is merely a euphemism for his cowardly indifference. He continues to turn a blind eye while the Mugabe regime systematically rages war on its people, avenging them for daring to exercise their democratic will at the ballot box. “No crisis.” Yes, that is […]
Sense and civility
“The mark of an educated mind is the ability to entertain a thought without accepting it.” That’s one lesson to take from the Big Bad Bullard Barney.
Bullard? Qwelane? I’d hire them like a shot
When I read David Bullard’s offending article, which was a disgrace, I pulled no punches — I said that when he had time to reflect he would realise that this was not his finest hour. Now having watched him on the Noeleen show and read his apology, my estimation of the man, which was always […]
The office, it’s a groovy kinda love
I hate closed doors. Secrets happen behind them, people are talked about and decisions are made for others. That, of course, is why you have to have them. But too many of them? Well, they just bring a place down, man. It’s, like, all to do with some kind of hippie philosophy of bad vibes […]
Bullard sorry, was out to lunch
I described the column over which David Bullard was fired as offensive and condescending, but given the supercilious faux-Victorian persona he’s cultivated, not all that surprising, and not worth suppressing by his dismissal or otherwise. I did not expect an apology.
To Thabo or not to Thabo
That is indeed the question today! Except for showing the confusion among the people of South Africa, this also gives us an idea of the fickle state of the South African media. Unfortunately, media reports often form public opinion and therefore influence thinking among our people. Post-Polokwane saw massive public sympathy for Thabo Mbeki due […]
Innovative inspiration (aka websites)
Just three today, but they’re all winners, as far as I’m concerned. This is kind of the continuation of my tapping into the design vein on the internet and seeing what I can find. There is a wealth of extraordinary stuff out there! So here are three whimsical Friday offerings: Sfgirlbybay (http://sfgirlbybay.blogspot.com/). At first, it […]
The anti-cactus fountain trap is here. Women rejoice
Most major corporates invest millions of rands on innovation or R&D departments. R&D is that activity in the corporate world in which a bunch of nerdy, humourless and generally clueless sourpuss-scientist types spend their days creating products that will only become useful in the year 3245 AD and/or have no commercial value whatsoever. There’s a […]
Mondli Makhanya suffers from Mbeki-ism — firing Bullard is a sign of that!
Mondli Makhanya’s paper has been among the chief opponents of Mbeki-ism, which is a tendency to fire those with whom you disagree. However, Mbeki-ism seems to have taken over the Sunday Times. Mondli beware! What Mondli did last Thursday was not only astounding but also embarrassing. How does one fire a columnist on the basis […]
Student media: SA’s ugly duckling
Submitted by Lionel Faull On National Press Freedom Day last October, Daily Dispatch deputy editor Andrew Trench gave a lecture at Rhodes University in which he mentioned the “juniorisation” of South African newsrooms. As deputy editors go, Andrew is pretty young himself. But his point was that there is a yawning gap in age, skills […]
Let the Forum of Black Journalists be
An excellent editorial by political analyst Prince Mashele on the HRC ruling against the Forum for Black Journalists makes me sorry I didn’t post my position when the furore first broke. In my defence, I was swamped by a furore with white racists, not black racists, at the time.