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Incentives can help

Waseem Sirkhot has been involved in community service since the age of 12 and is as passionate about it today. Only now he is better equipped to make a difference with the help of three friends from the Lenasia community; Ismail Moola, Mohamed Jassat and Ridwan Mia. Their mission: Empower the youth. Affording them an […]

Posted inGeneral

Familiar places and foreign spaces

After a particularly strenuous semester, particularly regarding postgraduate students’ work, and on the eve of a much-needed overseas trip to a conference in Europe, I am reminded, again, of Michel de Certeau’s wonderful exploration of spatial practices in The Practice of Everyday Life (University of California Press, 1988), on which I have written here before […]

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Saving puppies can help

The Ark Animal Centre in Fourways, Johannesburg, has made it its mission to rescue abandoned and abused dogs and then help find them suitable homes. The centre offers specialised rescue, rehabilitation, care and re-homing of puppies and pregnant dogs. On average Ark Animal Centre re-homes 50 to 60 dogs a month and takes in thousands […]

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Teaching photography can help

It’s no secret that photography is a powerful medium of expression. So powerful that it’s helping Bernard Viljoen, founder and creator of I Was Shot in Joburg, transform the way vulnerable kids in Johannesburg see the world. “It started in June of 2009,” Viljoen says, “Using my photographic skills and talent to give of my […]

Posted inEqualityGeneralNews/Politics

Protest and phatic communication: An account of a South African conversation

“Are you going to write about this week’s protests?”, the writer asks as the waitress takes away his empty plate from the table in the Newlands restaurant where they have been enjoying a sunny Cape Town Sunday lunch. “No”, the professor of private law replies tersely. “What’s the use?”, he thinks to himself, before continuing: […]