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Making beautiful coloureds together

Thought Leader has been a mess of racial attacks and counter-attacks lately. As Friedman said, between Eskom and Zuma some of the South African citizens of European descent have been granted a platform, or what they perceive as moral high ground, from which to launch their attacks on all African people and on those who […]

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The armed forces always believed that subordination of the troops to the command was essential. If there were strictly enforced rules of behaviour maintained, then the soldier next to you would be able to rely on you performing according to drill during the times when the battle made everything else unpredictable. At what stage does […]

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Technology and identity

In an earlier piece — The changing face of identity — I reflected on the implications and possible influence, if not “effects”, of the social networking site, Facebook, on people’s sense of identity. At the time, Vincent Maher made an interesting comment on my piece, questioning what he saw as the implication that I was […]

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Why school fees?

Submitted by Paul Colditz The newly elected ANC president kicked off the new year with a seemingly sensitive and important issue, namely to institute free school education by 2009 for learners in 60% of South Africa’s public schools for the full duration of their school career. This declared objective requires extensive comment. On the face […]

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A ‘sudden’ return to reality?

Submitted by Conrad Booysen A normal, run-of-the-mill Monday was turned on its head in one act of senseless violence that ruined the lives not only of innocent victims, but their families too. I was horrified to read of the cold-blooded murder of the Skielik residents shot like worthless animals, an act for which Johan Nel, […]

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God save us from these racists!

It is unbelievable that there are those that still view us blacks as kaffirs 14 years since the collapse of the apartheid regime; after what we thought was freedom. So optimistic about our non-racial future were we that Fikile-Ntsikelelo Moya even wrote a piece in the Mail & Guardian saying he wished for his child […]