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Super 14 and the Sharks

If you are a Sharks fan you would have been extremely disappointed with the Sharks’ dismal performance in the Super14 semi-final against the Waratahs. However, when looking back clinically, it was always going to be a tall order after travelling half way across the world to face a team which nailed them in the prelim […]

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My love for Opera

Opera is a web browser and internet suite developed by the Norwegian Opera Software company. It is a high quality, multi-platform product for a wide range of platforms, operating systems and embedded internet products. The Opera browser offers the user a unique experience with a different functionality, security, usability and accessing the web. Here are […]

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The worst of South Africa – and the best

The traumatic events of the past few weeks have revealed South Africans at its worst. An orgy of rage, cruelty and merciless hatred has descended on our society, reminiscent of the worst excesses of the country’s painful transition to democracy in the early years of the last decade. People are asking, and rightly, what kind […]

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The greatest business innovation…

… is simply doing good business. Since the time of the Phoenicians, commerce has united the world. Today no corner of the world remains untouched by global industry, and with it capitalism has spawned a complex web of interdependence. Brands like Coca-Cola are found in places as far flung as Moscow, Monrovia and Michigan. However […]

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Perfect state or police state?

One of the things that has been hard for me to get used to about living in the US is the feeling of being policed at every turn. Here, my life is filled with a multitude of rules and regulations, along with a strong presence of law enforcement officials to make sure that I follow […]

Posted inGeneralNews/Politics

Protest in Paris

Thousands of French filled the streets, carrying placards and banners, singing songs and shouting slogans. This is Paris, May 2008, 40 years after the social revolution known as “May 68” shook France. The uprisings in the 1960s saw a series of student protests and general strikes that caused the eventual collapse of the French government. […]

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Zimbabwe run-off: Now that’s entertainment!

Britain’s tough new Consumer Protection Regulations have been particularly hard on fortune tellers, astrologers and other mediums who are now required by law, to tell customers that their work is “entertainment” and not “experimentally proven”. Surely this system should be introduced into Africa where it is desperately needed. Let’s start with everyone’s favourite, Uncle Bob. […]

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Back to Biko

Hello, cyberpublic. Let us read Steve Biko, I Write What I Like, page 31. “…the only vehicle for change are these people who have lost their personality. The first step therefore is to make the black man come to himself; to pump back life into his empty shell; to infuse him with pride and dignity, […]

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Have we forgotten why we’re here?

I had an interesting encounter with a car guard this weekend. This experience made me realise how much I take for granted and how the little things we do in life can have the most profound consequences for people and sometimes for our environment as well. On Saturday, as I was going to the bank, […]

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GeekRebel guide to online TV

I don’t have a TV at home, so I consume a decent amount of bandwidth watching TV shows and YouTube videos. Here’s how I go about it getting loads of entertainment without a DsTV subscription: 1. StumbleVideo: I don’t spend that much time on YouTube itself. Rather, I watch video clips on StumbleVideo. StumbleVideo offers […]