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Building a legacy for our children

The South African Rugby Legends Association has been running a number of projects designed primarily to uplift the disadvantaged people of South Africa. As a result, literally tens of thousands of children have been through Sarla clinics conducted by rugby legends who have given freely of their time. In this way we have been able […]

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We don’t buy it, Mr Henry

“Thouth Afwica ith a 10-out-of-10 wugby-pwaying countwy tho we know we are in for a weally tough Test. Goth, I’m in thuch awe of them; they’th the world championths.” If New Zealand coach Graham Henry thinks we’re buying that crock of crap, best he thinks again. If there is anyone on the planet right now […]

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The future of search-engine optimisation

It seems like everyone is practising a little search-engine optimisation (SEO) these days. While you might have the basics covered, do you know where SEO is heading? I’ve been optimising websites for search engines since the late 1990s and this has given me the fortunate opportunity to witness the evolution of search-engine algorithms over the […]

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2010: If not SA, who then?

We have been riding this roller-coaster train since South Africa’s announcement as the host of the 2010 World Cup finals. It seems, however, that as the “rainbow nation”, we are yet to agree on whether we would like to see this beautiful country of ours deliver the showpiece to the world. Though one concurs that […]

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Dogma or victory? The Bok dilemma

Einstein once said the definition of lunacy is to repeat the same actions while expecting the results to change. This came to mind as I was reading opinion pieces in print media and online about how Peter de Villiers should go for outright brawn against the Kiwis in the Tri-Nations Tests, something about bullying them […]

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Citizen media: Global, independent and rising

I was in the hotel lobby waiting for my room to be ready and madly typing on my computer when a wide-eyed woman peeped around the corner, looked expectantly at me and smiled. I smiled back, and the penny dropped when I overheard her talking about her excitement for the Global Voices Summit that I […]

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Stand up and be a citizen

Submitted by Anthea Garman As a result of chairing 10 Winter School talks (at this point) I’ve started to feel a growing a sense of urgency about being a South African, a citizen and a member of a civil society in need of revival. Just to give you a sense of what’s being said at […]