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The exodus of ministers: the question of allegiances and patriotism

The announcement of the resignations of 14 Cabinet ministers including the deputy president and Trevor Manuel, regardless of arrogant denials of the ANC, caused a frightful tremor along the corridors of Luthuli House, the ANC’s headquarters. The hurried press conference called by Gwede Mantashe — when markets began tumbling on the news — was a […]

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Foucault on intellectuals

In ‘Truth and power’ (1980), Michel Foucault elaborates on different kinds of intellectuals – the ‘universal’ and ‘specific’ intellectual, respectively – in the context of the question regarding the political status of science and its potential ideological functions, especially within universities. The issues raised by this are summed up by Foucault in ‘two words: power […]

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Monsters Inc. 2010 style

What on earth is THAT thing? Jesus, Mary, Mariah and Whitney! Did you see that? Are they for real!? That looks like something you would get if you moved Joburg Zoo to the inner reactor at Koeberg and let some saboteur loose with a bolt. How on earth did an entire collective of professionals decide […]

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Twitter saved my life!

Ok, it didn’t actually save my life but I definitely felt something change this weekend. I was sitting at home in quiet, decidedly suburban Durbanville when I heard a tremendous bang and the front door shook like it had just been hit by something very heavy. What the bork was that? I evaluated my sources […]

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Why geeks don’t like “personal branding”

“Personal branding” is just a fancy way of saying “marketing yourself”. Most geeks aren’t fans of marketing. They tend to prefer unambiguous technical specifications and logical arguments to the artificiality and cheap tricks they perceive as being used by too many marketers. So, “personal branding” to geeks basically means “creating an artificial impression you project […]

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It’s samba time in Manchester!

If you are looking for goals, skill and a will to thrill, you will find it in Manchester. Sorry, not in the red bit that houses the European and English champions. No, no. I mean the blue bit. You know the one that’s been a joke for years, until the day some Arab oil magnate […]

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What about Mbeki the man?

What about Mbeki the man? That was all I could think about during Mbeki’s resignation speech last night. It was a beautiful speech. He said it nobly and with great respect and I was very impressed and even quite moved (which, from the man who has been anything but an emotional president, is quite remarkable). […]

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From your head in the clouds to working the cloud

I’ve been lending a hand to my brother to get a business idea out of his head and into the ‘real world’. It’s an interesting concept called “The Productivity Paradox”, a notion he has been talking about for some time already, which he now wants to turn into something more tangible. Disclaimer: There are certain […]