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Do you also have a dodgy cop story?

I recently visited Botswana where I was driving a friend’s 4×4 for our annual trans-Kalahari trip. On the return through the Lobatse border post I was asked for a bribe, albeit indirectly. I have done this trip about five times now with some deviation and in reverse direction. The route runs from Durban to Kimberley […]

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How stupid do you think we are?

So we South Africans are a bit stupid, fine, we all can see that there’s something wrong with the socio-pathologies which dictate our lives like rape, murder, violence, abuse and the silent genocide against HIV-positive people. But when it comes to doing something about these socio-pathologies, we entrench the stupidity by choosing the more stupid […]

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The Malema Censor 3000

Julius Malema is back in the news. Yet again for his outrageous comments. Back in January, he is reported to have said President Jacob Zuma’s rape accuser would not have stayed for breakfast if she had not enjoyed the sex. Today he claimed that this does not constitute hate speech. I’m not so sure. Sounds […]

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Teach the technophobe: Challenge no 1

Nokia’s Teach the Technophobe: Eight brave Nokia fans have signed up to help some close friends and family join the messaging generation using the E75. Their technophobes will negotiate various hurdles and challenges. The one who finishes this training to the best of their ability will win their coach the opportunity to trial five E75s […]

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Improving healthcare in SA?

Dear healthcare professionals and practitioners in and of South Africa Greetings and best wishes I have of late been given reason to make (uninformed and somewhat uneducated) comments, in a semi-satirical manner, about the state of healthcare in the public domain. For your reference the articles in question are: July 7 2009 — So we […]

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The mathematics of chaos in economics and nature

The Mathematics of Chaos — a documentary that was aired on BBC Four not too long ago is an informative, enlightening but disturbing viewing experience. In brief, it contrasts the modern understanding of causality (and the mathematics this presupposes) with the more recent, perhaps in a sense “postmodern” understanding of causality (again with a concomitant […]

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How to Cope in SA politics

1. Do not serve “divorce papers” in public if your intention is to go and shack up with your wife’s twin sister who shares her exact mannerisms. 2. In fact, do not serve papers on anyone until you have a Plan B that is worth all the hype and fuss of leaving home to begin […]

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Exiled Zimbabweans should return home

At a time when Zimbabwe should be experiencing a brain gain, its brain drain shows no sign of abetting. At least not just yet. It is naive to have expected aspiring Zimbabweans blessed with what used to be some of the continent’s most illustrious education, to have stayed on in the country when things were […]

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So we are at war

Apparently I have been uncaring and cold in my condemnation of my friends who have been imitating my fellow UDW students by dancing in the streets. I noticed that there were no petrol bombs and so I will say that perhaps greater strides need to be made in strugglising the liberationary nature of the perpetual […]